Blackstar Amps Polar 2: A USB Audio Interface Made For Guitarists
This could be pretty interesting: Blackstar Amps just launched Polar 2, a 2-channel USB-C audio interface made specifically for guitarists, targeting some common woes when recording our precious instruments, and audio qualities aside you gotta love when audio interfaces manage to look both stylish and durable.
It features two FET (field effect transistor) inputs, “designed to enhance your guitar DI signal in a way that brings back the coveted feel and response of playing through a real valve guitar amplifier”. Zero latency, ultra-low noise and high headroom and both channels feature a physical “Enhance” switch that enables a circuit made to mimic the input stage of a real valve amplifier. This effect also applies on the mic preamps as well, promising to bring out the “natural clarity and air from vocal performances, acoustic instruments and more”.

Besides the unit itself it comes bundled with a bunch of software like the St. James Plugin Suite, Ableton Live Lite, ReLab LX480 Essentials Reverb, Melodyne Essential and more.
Read more about the Polar 2 over at Blackstar Amps
Check out the Polar 2 interface in action here: